The process can be enlighting
I recently applied to be a professional coach as a part-time role for a large coaching network. I've consistently gotten high marks as a manager so I felt optimistic as I started in the application process and was excited to get through and begin helping more people achieve their career goals. By the fourth question on the application, I knew there was no chance I would be accepted for the role.
This question asked whether applicants had credentials with any of the options in a long list. I had to check the box "No Credentials". There was no way I could be upset about that question - it is far better for coaches to have some type of verified credentials and not just "professional experience"! For my part, I took a screenshot and now have a list of program options to research and learn more about. It took only 30 minutes to go through the entire flow and after the first few I was mostly just taking notes for future ways to improve my chances at a future application date.
It can be difficult to not get disheartened or quit early in a project that is doomed to fail. But, by keeping your cool and approaching the situation objectively you can learn so much.