Forks in the road

Yogi Berra is famously quoted for saying "When you come to the fork in the road, take it." Sounds easy enough. Yet, how often do we get to the fork in the road, stop, evaluate, analyze, critique each direction, seek out guidance, list pros and cons, and ultimately become paralyzed by the fear of making the less optimal decision.

A popular opinion article made it's way around the internet a few years back calling out how younger millenial and Gen Z young adults felt this mental strain particularly strongly. After years of piling on extra-curricular activities and AP classes in order to get to the best school possible in order to get a couple of high profile degrees in order to get the best possible first job out of school just in order to have a chance at an impactful career paired with the constant comparing of their own lives to the idealized version of life they saw from friends and influencers on social media through the most socially informative years of their lives...they were exhausted by the ever-present pressure to be the best version of themselves.

It would be unethical of me to say that you should not push yourself on a daily basis. You should hold yourself to a high standard. But perfection is a fallacy and it's definition changes with the times. Don't pursue it. Don't let yourself stall out. Keep pushing forward. Progress is most important.